More Compton Unified School District High School Students Are Meeting College Entrance Requirements
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Apr 11, 2018

(Compton, CA) – April 11, 2018 –  Compton Unified School District today announced data from the California Department of Education showing that the District’s high schools have all experienced marked increases in percentage of students meeting college entrance requirements in the 2016-17 School Year versus the prior year. Known as the ‘A-G Requirements,’ these percentages reflect students who have successfully completed courses required to be able to be accepted into a California public university, such as the Cal State and University of California schools.

As the charts below reveal, Compton High School is at 43%, a 3% increase from the prior school year; Centennial High School is at 38%, a 15% increase; and Dominguez High School is at 36%, which is a 9% increase


Compton HS A-G Data


Centennial A through G Data


Dominguez A through G Data

Overall, the CUSD has increased its A through G completion percentage to 31%, a 5% increase from the prior year (inclusive of its continuation schools). This is approximately 5 times as much as it was in 2010, when the Superintendent was first appointed and together with many of the current Board, began a dramatic turnaround of the organization.

“We are ecstatic at the growth we are experiencing in students being prepared for a successful college career, which these percentages reflect,” state Dr. Darin Brawley, Superintendent of Compton Unified School District, “Though we have more work to do toward making sure that every student is college/career ready, we are encouraged by what we are seeing as an upward trajectory.”



Among the various turnaround initiatives the district implemented, the increase in seniors meeting A through G requirements can in part be credited to marked enhancements to the district’s college and career support efforts, including increasing the ratio of school counselors to students, establishing several college partnerships, parent empowerment programming aimed at helping parents create a college going culture within their own households, hiring College Advisors who are entirely focused on helping students navigate the college application process.

“Not only are we supporting students to complete the A-G requirements, but we are also encouraging students to go beyond the minimum by taking a fourth year of math and science, and increasing the enrollment of Advanced Placement and College courses,” shared Dr. Jorge Torres, Sr. Director College and Career Readiness.

Another innovation that has had a dramatic impact on students accessing A through G courses, has been the launching of an after-school credit recovery program, enabling students to participate in recovering classes they have not passed before the summer.

As a result of these focused efforts, each of CUSD’s high schools have exceeded the national average insofar as percentage of students completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is considered a leading indicator of student intent to attend college:

National Average – 61%

Compton HS – 88%

Centennial – 85%

Dominguez – 80%

“We have come a long way in preparing our students for success in college and career,” stated President Micah Ali, “I am looking forward to moving forward and up, with our feet firmly planted in the direction of excellence. I commend our students, Board, district leadership, teachers counselors, and most definitely parents for your partnership in ensuring students in Compton are not only meeting expectations, they are exceeding them!”

“Today is truly a great day in Compton,” said Vice President Satra Zurita, “What the data is telling us, is that ‘The Compton Turnaround’ here to stay, and though we still have much work to do, there is no denying that we are making strides in student achievement!”

About Compton Unified School District

Compton Unified School District, whose Superintendent is Dr. Darin Brawley, is located in in the south-central region of Los Angeles County, California. CUSD encompasses the city of Compton and portions of the cities of Carson and Los Angeles. The district currently serves nearly 26,000 students at 36 sites and is in the midst of a dramatic turnaround, marked by increases in student achievement rates, a graduation rate nearing 90%, dramatic facilities improvements, and a focus on STEAM throughout all schools. The mission of the Compton Unified School District is to empower leaders to lead, teachers to teach and students to learn by fostering an environment that encourages leaders and teachers to be visionary, innovative and accountable for the achievement of all students. For more information, visit