Compton Unified School District (CUSD) is committed to providing a
quality, job-embedded Induction Program for all eligible participants. In
accordance with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing,
General Precondition 2, CUSD agrees to ensure program availability
through completion of the two-year Induction Program for all currently
enrolled candidates in the event of program closure or suspension.
In the event of program closure or suspension, sufficient staff and
resources will be provided to ensure successful, timely completion and
recommendation for the Clear Credential for all candidates enrolled at the
time of closure or suspension. An individual transition plan for each
candidate that includes induction transcripts and other pertinent induction
records for current candidates and completers can be accessed in a shared
Google Folder. Hard and soft copies of current and past induction
participants are also available and kept in a locked room in the Educational
Services Department, and not accessible to the public. After program
closure, a past candidate may request records from the Executive Director
of Educational Services.