Teacher Induction Program and Supports (TIPS)

What is TIPS?
TIPS is a state-approved professional induction program designed to provide a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher's first year of teaching. Teachers holding a California Preliminary Credential from General Education or Special Education Departments may be recommended for the Professional Clear Credential upon successful completion of the program.
What Does TIPS Provide?
- Two years of individualized mentoring and collaborative team support, free of cost.
- Access to high quality professional development.
- Professional growth is reflected on the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP).
- College Credit (Optional)).
- Eligibility for recommendation to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the Professional Clear Credential (Under SB 2042).

Candidates Recruitment Flyer

TIPS Brochure