August District-Wide Professional Development
Welcome to the Summer 2018 Professional Development Institute for the Compton Unified School District.  Below are a variety of workshops designed to address the needs of the 21st Century classroom teacher.  Whether it be a workshop on effective literacy strategies, a course designed to support teachers in understanding trauma in school, a training on how to use the most current technology tools or programs. Please review the course offerings and register online for your desired course by clicking the Registration Form link to register for the desired session! 

​Participants MUST attend the full day session and complete the appropriate time-card process to receive payment.
Each session (August 13 and/or 14) will be paid at the teacher per diem rate.

Advanced registration is critical to ensuring that training materials and seating are available for each session.

Please complete the registration prior to August 8th. NOTE only register for one course per day! 

Secondary Teachers Only!

Elementary Teachers Report to your sites for

Site-Based PD

Primary and Secondary Teachers

August District-Wide PD Schedule 
Please e-mail [email protected] with any questions!