
Puffin Academy is a mobile flash browser used for iReady Diagnostic assessments. Enables Adobe Flash based educational websites on the iPad.


Puffin Instructions

If you see this message on your iPad in i-Ready, you need to log in to Puffin to do your lesson:

Launch Puffin and Log into  i-Ready

Click on the i-Ready tile to launch i-Ready.

□ You’ll be taken to the i-Ready log in page. At the top, you’ll see a message at the top regarding “your internet browser,” but you can ignore this message.

Login using i-Ready credentials (username, password and state). Remember that passwords are case sensitive. Click ‘Go’.


This is what a student will see when they log in for the first time. Direct them to click on Reading or Math to begin a lesson.  If they need to take a diagnostic, they will get the “Start test” button.

Students can exit out by clicking on the option that appears in the upper right corner: When in the Diagnostic, click on the white X to go to the student home page.  When on the student  home page, click on “Log Out.”