Message from the Board and Superintendent Brawley: March 14 Day of Dialogue and Student Voice
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Mar 13, 2018

CUSD staff and families,

As you may be aware, today there are a number of planned activities happening on school campuses around the United States around the issue of gun violence and in the aftermath of the tragic school shooting in Florida.

The Compton Unified School District Board of the Trustees is proud to share with you the thoughtful and inspirational activities being planned by students for students across our high school campuses a part of a district-wide Day of Dialogue and Student Voice.

Compton Early College High School will host an assembly, walk-in, a forum on gun violence and write notes of peace and encouragement that will be attached to balloons and released.

Compton High School will host an assembly and a time in which students with share their voice around issues of gun violence.

Centennial High School will process for 17 minutes (representing each of the victims of the Florida shooting), have a “Wall of Remembrance” in which students will post a note to someone they have lost to gun violence, and have a time of student panel to discuss issues related to gun control.

Dominguez High School will be hosting a “Sit in for Change” in which students will share their voice about gun violence, meet in small groups with a school counselor and social worker to talk about the impact of gun violence on mental health, and then release and release 17 white balloons into the air to represent the 17 lives that were lost and 70 yellow balloons to represent those who were emotionally and physically injured in Florida.

These are powerful and positive expressions of student voice and consciousness that speaks volumes about the bright and compassionate students we have here at the district.

We encourage you to support these efforts by joining in a voluntary moment of silence at 10:00 a.m. from wherever you are at the time, if you can do so safely.

We greatly appreciate the leadership of our school site principals and staff, who have played a major role in ensuring our students have the space to  express themselves around this issue in a safe and orderly manner.


Dr. Darin Brawley, Superintendent



CUSD High School students share what they are doing on March 14 to share their voice about gun violence.