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Compton USD Invests And Expands Services For TK And PreK Students
Research demonstrates that a strong learning foundation in the earlier years matters. Therefore, California is poised to invest in early childhood with plans to offer TK access to all age-eligible four-year-old children and expand services for three-year-old children. In addition, this year, Compton Unified School District will begin expanding access and services to all eligible PreK and TK students.
Hours of Operation
- The Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) programs will offer 9 hours of services inclusive of before and after school services
- Dates and hours of services Monday- Friday 7:30 am-4:30 pm
- Transitional Kindergarten is designed for students who turn 5 years old between September 2 and February 2 for the 2022-2023 school year
- Pre-Kindergarten is designed for students turning 3 and 4 by September 1st of the enrolling year
- Children will benefit from an enriched foundational early childhood education program to prepare them for success in traditional Kindergarten
Please complete the interest form today!