Foster Youth Services

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School District Foster Care Liaison

Every school district and County Office of Education must have an educational liaison for foster children. The duties of a liaison are:

  • To ensure proper school placement, enrollment and checkout from school
  • To assist with the transfer of grades, credits and records when youth transfer schools
  • To complete school record transfers within 2 business days. (EC 48853.5)

John Phillip Keane; Administrator
417 Alondra Blvd. Compton, CA 90248
[email protected]
310-639-4321 Ext. 63002/63078

Foster Care Image
Rights of Foster Children

AB 490, Assembly Bill 490 (Steinberg) imposes new duties and rights related to the education of dependents and wards in foster care.

Preference for Public School

Foster children must attend programs operated by the local education agency unless the child has an IEP requiring a different educational placement, or the person with education rights determines that it is in the child’s best interest to attend a different educational program or to remain in the school of origin. (EC 48853).

School Stability

Role of the School

Educational placements of foster youth must be made to ensure that youth have access to the same resources available to all students, that the educational placement is the least restrictive environment, and that the educational placement in the youth’s best interest. (WIC 361, 726, Ed Code 48853).

  • Right to remain in school of origin: If the child’s residential placement changes, the school district must allow the child to remain in his/her school of origin for the duration of the school year, provided it is in her best interest to do so. The child’s best interest is determined by the school district’s foster care liaison, the person who holds education rights, and the child. If a dispute arises, the child has the right to remain in her school of origin until the dispute is resolved. (EC 48853.5).

Role of the County Placing Agency

  • When making out-of- home placements, the placing agency must consider both the placement’s proximity to the child’s present school and the impact the placement will have on the child’s educational stability. (WIC 16501.1(c)).

Immediate Enrollment

The child has the right to be immediately enrolled in the new school without school records, immunization records, uniforms, etc. (EC 48853.5(d)(4)(b)).

Role of the School

Educational placements of foster youth must be made to ensure that youth have access to the same resources available to all students, that the educational placement is the least restrictive environment, and that the educational placement in the youth’s best interest. (WIC 361, 726, Ed Code 48853).

  • Right to remain in school of origin: If the child’s residential placement changes, the school district must allow the child to remain in his/her school of origin for the duration of the school year, provided it is in her best interest to do so. The child’s best interest is determined by the school district’s foster care liaison, the person who holds education rights, and the child. If a dispute arises, the child has the right to remain in her school of origin until the dispute is resolved. (EC 48853.5).

Timely Transfer of Records

The timely transfer of records is the responsibility of both the placing agency and the school district. (EC 49069.5).
Foster youth must have access to the same academic resources, services, extra- curricular and enrichment activities available to all students. (Ed Code 48850(a)).

Protection for Grades and Credits /PARTIAL CREDITs

  • A foster child’s grades cannot be lowered due to absences caused by a change in placement, attendance at a court hearing, or a court ordered activity. (EC 49069.5).
  • Schools must award all students (not just foster youth) with credit for full or partial coursework satisfactorily completed at another public school, a juvenile court school, or a non-public, non-sectarian school. (EC 48645.5).

Minimum Requirements for Graduation

Under the following Assembly Bills students in transition have special rights to help them remain on track for high school graduation:

  • AB 216 – Foster Youth
  • AB 1806 – McKinney Vento Youth
  • AB 2306 – Juvenile Court School Pupils

Students in transition (foster youth, students in homeless situations, and those transitioning from a juvenile court school) who transfer schools after their second year of high school may be eligible to graduate by completing the minimum California state graduation requirements if they are not reasonably able to complete all Compton Unified School District graduation requirements by the end of their fourth year of high school. Completing second year of high school is defined as either a) completing two years of high school; or b) completing sufficient high school credits to be considered a high school junior or senior.

Forms and Documents

  • CUSD Board Policy and AR’s Foster and Probation Youth
  • AB 216 CUSD Waiver
  • AB 216 Graduation Work Sheet
  • FACT Sheet

County Placing Agency

When the case worker or probation officer becomes aware of the need to transfer a student to a new school, he or she must:

  • Notify the school of the student’s last expected day of attendance
  • Request the calculation of the student’s educational information
  • Request the student be transferred out. (EC 49069.5)

Case workers and probation officers may access the child’s school records without parental consent or court order so that they may assist with school transfer or enrollment, compile the child’s health and education summary, or fulfill educational case management duties. (EC 49076).

Old School
Within two (2) business days, the old school must transfer the student out, and deliver the student’s educational record to the next school. The record must include a determination of seat time, full or partial credits earned, classes, grades, immunizations and, if applicable, special education or 504 plans. (EC 49069.5)

New School
The liaison for the new school shall, within two (2) business days of the foster child’s request for enrollment, contact the school last attended by the foster child to obtain all academic and other records. (EC 48853.5(d)(4)(c)).

Transportation: Under Construction

In addition, we are able to provide supplementary support to remove barriers for Foster Youth and Probation Youth students to enable them to attend school. These are only accessible pending availability and in limited quantity. These supports may include clothing, shoes, uniforms, backpacks and school supplies. To access these supports, please contact the District office located at 417 West Alondra Blvd., Compton, Calif. 90220.

For additional questions, please contact the Student Services Department at (310) 639-4321 ext. 63002

Parent/Guardian Handbook 2022-23
Child Welfare and Attendance Home
CUSD Board Policies
Permits and Transfer
Foster Youth Services
Homeless Youth
Probation Youth